Monday, March 21, 2011

Cotton Candy Seller لچهے والا

handing cotton candy to the little girl
Muhammad Shafi has been selling cotton candy in the streets of Lahore for the past almost 12 years. Before that he was a laborer and used to assist in constructing buildings. He makes cotton candy early morning using sugar and food colors on a cotton candy making machine and leaves his house to earn his livelihood. According to him, he makes around Rs. 700/- per day.

He has 4 daughters who are at home and do nothing. When asked why they are not studying, the only answer he gave was that he cannot afford to send them to school. Although he belongs to Jhang, he and his family have moved to Lahore to make a better living for themselves.


Aisha Hassan said...

700 per day ==> 21k per month
reasonable for a poor man isn't it?

Zahra said...

he is seen roaming in Liberty and the shops are closed on Sundays, so even if he works 25 days a months, its 17.5K a month. With four daughters, DO YOU STILL think it is reasonable to live even in Pakistan? Do you know the prices of eatables these days? Do you know how expensive electricity is? and are you forgetting clothes, rent for a roof over their head, helathcare etc etc. Think again!!!

Zahra said...

also consider his cost of making his product. Sugar prices and electricity to run the machine ... and only because he is poor we tend to say "reasonable for a poor man isn't it?" ... doesn't a poor man deserve a better living for himself and his family? He is human afterall, like yourself, nothing less than that. Kindly chose your words wisely

mo said...

well said Zahra!

Robart said...

Good for you Zahra - perhaps AW does not fully understand the situation in your country.

Anonymous said...

yea perhaps we are living on moon, but i think you should go out and check that what's poors are actually. 18k is less and what about those who are on 2 or 3k. i think AW is right. they are at least reasonable for a poor. and you should choose your word politely. you sound so rude. maybe you are from the TOP class of pakistan where 18k is nothing but ask him. im sure he'would be satisfy.
no hard feelings but you are so disappointing with a average blog.

Zahra said...

Mr or Miss Anonymous is offended. Well, first of all you should have the courage to comment with your name. Goes to show that you only have the courage to say and not listen in return. Furthermore, I will reserve my comments about the obnoxious comment you have posted.